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  • Introduction
  • API
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the AxisRooms Extranet OTA integration API.

    Please find the below staging environment details
    URL​ - Will share via email while implementation phase
    Headers​ ​to​ ​be​ ​sent​ in​​ every​ call
         1. apiKey: <allocated during integration>
         2. channelId: <allocated during integration>


    Response JSON:

        "HotelDetails": [{
                "hotelId": 1576,
                "hotelName": "LAHotelMetro",
                "isWholeSaler": false,
                "preferedPosition": 0,
                "rooms": [{
                    "breakFast": false,
                    "cancellationPolicy": [],
                    "daywisePrice": [{
                        "actual": 3480,
                        "date": "2018-01-29",
                        "discounted": 3480,
                        "taxValue": 661
                "deal": {
                    "applicable": false,
                    "id": 0,
                    "value": 0
                "inventory": 0,
                "maxAdult": 0,
                "maxChild": 0,
                "maxOccupancy": 0,
                "price": {
                    "actual": 3480,
                    "discounted": 3480,
                    "taxValue": 661
                "ratePlanId": 0,
                "roomId": 0,
                "roomRank": 0
                "hotelId": 1576,
                "hotelName": "ParkView",
                "isWholeSaler": false,
                "preferedPosition": 0,
                "rooms": [{
                    "breakFast": false,
                    "cancellationPolicy": [],
                    "daywisePrice": [{
                        "actual": 2500,
                        "date": "2018-01-29",
                        "discounted": 2500,
                        "taxValue": 9
                    "deal": {
                        "applicable": false,
                        "id": 0,
                        "value": 0
                    "inventory": 0
                "maxAdult": 0,
                "maxChild": 0,
                "maxOccupancy": 0,
                "price": {
                    "actual": 2500,
                    "discounted": 2500,
                    "taxValue": 9
                "ratePlanId": 0,
                "roomId": 0,
                "roomRank": 0

    Get​ ​ a ​ ​ list​ ​ of​ ​ hotels​ ​ based​ ​ on​ ​ search​ ​ string​ ​ - ​ ​ city,​ ​ pax,​ ​ price​ ​ type​ ​ (WEB,​ ​ MOBILE),​ ​ check in​ ​ and​ ​ check​ ​ out​ ​ date.

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/be/searchHotels?city=Dubai&checkIn=10/02/2018&checkOut=12/02/2018&paxInfo=1|0|0||&priceType=WEB

    PaxInfo Format​ ​ - ​ ​ A|B|C|D|E...||A|B|C|D|E||...
    A​ ​ - ​ ​ number​ ​ of​ ​ adults
    B​ ​ - ​ ​ Number​ ​ of​ ​ children
    C​ ​ - ​ ​ Age​ ​ of​ ​ child​ ​ 1 ​ ​ if​ ​ B ​ ​ = ​ ​ 1
    D​ ​ - ​ ​ Age​ ​ of​ ​ child​ ​ 2 ​ ​ if​ ​ B ​ ​ = ​ ​ 2
    E​ ​ - ​ ​ Age​ ​ of​ ​ child​ ​ 3 ​ ​ if​ ​ B ​ ​ = ​ ​ 3
    ||​ ​ - ​ ​ indicates​ ​ that​ ​ the​ ​ second​ ​ room's​ ​ pax​ ​ info​ ​ follows

    Eg​ ​ - ​ ​ Suppose​ ​ we​ ​ are​ ​ searching​ ​ for​ ​ 2 ​ ​ rooms​ ​ where​ ​ in
        1. Room​ ​ 1 ​ ​ - ​ ​ there​ ​ will​ ​ be​ ​ 2 ​ ​ adults​ ​ and​ ​ 1 ​ ​ child​ ​ (age​ ​ 8 ​ ​ years)
        2. Room​ ​ 2 ​ ​ - ​ ​ there​ ​ will​ ​ be​ ​ 3 ​ ​ adults​ ​ and​ ​ 2 ​ ​ children​ ​ (age​ ​ 6 ​ ​ years​ ​ and​ ​ 7 ​ ​ years)
    Pax​ ​ info​ ​ for​ ​ the​ ​ above​ ​ will​ ​ be

    Room​ Availability

    Response JSON:

        "HotelDetails": [{
            "description": "description",
            "hotelId": 1576,
            "hotelName": "HotelRoseWood",
            "isWholeSaler": false,
            "preferedPosition": 0,
            "rooms": [{
                    "amenities": ["Body​ soap", "Cable​ channels", "City​ view", "Desk"],
                    "breakFast": false,
                    "cancellationPolicy": [],
                    "daywisePrice": [{
                        "actual": 4500,
                        "date": "2018-01-29",
                        "discounted": 4500,
                        "taxValue": 405
                    "deal": {
                        "applicable": false,
                        "id": 0,
                        "value": 0
                    "description": "StandardRoom",
                    "inclusions": [],
                    "inventory": 5,
                    "maxAdult": 2,
                    "maxChild": 1,
                    "maxOccupancy": 0,
                    "price": {
                        "actual": 4500,
                        "discounted": 4500,
                        "taxValue": 405
                    "ratePlanId": 353,
                    "ratePlanName": "StandardRoom(CP)",
                    "roomId": 439,
                    "roomName": "StandardRoom( CP)",
                    "roomRank": 0
                    "amenities": ["Body​ soap", "Cable​ channels", "City​ view", "Desk"],
                    "breakFast": false,
                    "cancellationPolicy": [],
                    "daywisePrice": [{
                        "actual": 5500,
                        "date": "2018-01-29",
                        "discounted": 5500,
                        "taxValue": 495
                    "deal": {
                        "applicable": false,
                        "id": 0,
                        "value": 0
                    "description": "DeluxeRoom",
                    "inclusions": [],
                    "inventory": 2,
                    "maxAdult": 2,
                    "maxChild": 1,
                    "maxOccupancy": 0,
                    "price": {
                        "actual": 5500,
                        "discounted": 5500,
                        "taxValue": 495
                    "ratePlanId": 354,
                    "ratePlanName": "DeluxeRoom(CP)",
                    "roomId": 441,
                    "roomName": "DeluxeRoom(CP)",
                    "roomRank": 0
                    "amenities": ["Body​ soap", "Cable​ channels", "City​ view", "Desk"],
                    "breakFast": false,
                    "cancellationPolicy": [],
                    "daywisePrice": [{
                        "actual": 8000,
                        "date": "2018-01-29",
                        "discounted": 8000,
                        "taxValue": 720
                    "deal": {
                        "applicable": false,
                        "id": 0,
                        "value": 0
                    "description": "SuperDeluxeRoom",
                    "inclusions": [],
                    "inventory": 1,
                    "maxAdult": 2,
                    "maxChild": 2,
                    "maxOccupancy": 0,
                    "price": {
                        "actual": 8000,
                        "discounted": 8000,
                        "taxValue": 720
                    "ratePlanId": 355,
                    "ratePlanName": "SuperDeluxeRoom(CP)",
                    "roomId": 444,
                    "roomName": "SuperDeluxeRoom(CP)",
                    "roomRank": 0
        "searchId": 18833

    Get​ ​room​ ​availability​ for​ a​ particular​ hotel/product.

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/be/rooms?productId=696&checkIn=10/02/2018&checkOut=12/02/2018&paxInfo=1|0|0||&priceType=WEB

    Confirm​ ​Booking

    Request JSON:

        "address": "No.27,Jayanagar 7th block,Bengaluru,560070",
        "checkInDate": "10/02/2018",
        "checkOutDate": "12/02/2018",
        "firstName": "Aravind",
        "hotelId": "1576",
        "lastName": "B​ H",
        "emailId": "",
        "mobileNo": "9035008842",
        "noOfRooms": 1,
        "rooms": [{
            "amount": 4444,
            "childAges": null,
            "numOfAdults": 1,
            "numOfChildren": null,
            "ratePlanId": "353",
            "roomId": "439"
        "source": "WEB",
        "status": "booking",
        "totalAmount": "5310"

    Response JSON:

        "message": "Booking​ ​ Confirmed",
        "referenceId": "ARK00000E61O",
        "status": "Confirmed"

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/be/booking

    Find​ ​ cancellation​ ​ charges​ ​ before​ ​ cancelling​ ​ booking

    Response JSON:

        "totalAmount": 10000,
        "bookingRefId": "ARK000008QQU",
        "tax": 0,
        "message": "No Refund cancellation policy - 100% charged once booked",
        "penality": 10000,
        "refundedAmount": 0

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/be/getCancellationCharges?bookingId={bookingId}

    Cancel​ ​Booking

    Request JSON:

        "comment": "changed the plan",
        "referenceId": "ARK00000E61O",
        "status": "cancel"

    Response JSON:

        "referenceId": "ARK00000E61O",
        "status": "Cancelled"

    This API will be implemented by the CM and OTA will push bookings to the endpoint shared by the AxisRooms.

    HTTP Request

    POST ​ /api/be/booking

    Payment confirmation API

    Response JSON:

       "confirmationNo": PYT123,
       "message": "Payment Status Updated"

    The proxy will call this API irrespective of whether the payment is successful or not.

    HTTP Request

    GET ​ /api/be/payment?confirmationNo=PYT123&payment=true